Lamaze Classes

Lamaze is one of the oldest and most popular techniques of childbirth preparation in the US. It’s estimated that one in four deliveries – or about one million births a year – use the Lamaze method. Lamaze is popularly known for its rhythmic breathing techniques, which emphasize active concentration and promote relaxation so that women focus less on their contractions.

Take advantage of Firm-provided access to Lamaze classes in your area. See the Lamaze page on me@MS (from the office, type lamazeclasses in your browser) to view a complete list of classes and register.

New York City & Westchester
Attend a complimentary four-part Lamaze series in Manhattan or Purchase, NY. Classes are taught by a registered nurse and licensed Lamaze and child-birth educator.

  • Classes 1 & 2: Labor and Delivery: Breathing/Relaxation Techniques
  • Class 3: Different Types of Delivery and Medication
  • Class 4: Post-Partum Issues and Infancy
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