My Health Programs

2024 Plan Information

How It Works

  1. Call 2nd.MD about any health-related situation.
  2. 2nd.MD will retrieve your medical records and schedule your appointment with an independent specialist. Most consultations are scheduled within 3-5 business days.
  3. Following your consultation, 2nd.MD will provide a detailed write-up and recommendations about your medical situation and treatment. 2nd.MD can also refer you to a specialist for follow-up care.

Second Opinion Intro

Update: Your grandchildren may now use this service. Get expert answers from 2nd.MD, Morgan Stanley’s free medical second opinion service, to help determine your best course of treatment. If you or a member of your extended family have questions about a new diagnosis, a possible surgery, care that was postponed due to COVID-19, a change in care or a treatment plan that isn’t working, 2nd.MD will connect you with leading physicians affiliated with top US institutions – so you have the knowledge and confidence to make an informed decision.