Make Changes to Your 401(k)

2024 Plan Information

Make Changes to Your 401(k)

To set or change your contribution rates in the 401(k) Plan, visit the Morgan Stanley Benefit Center website and go to Savings and Retirement > 401(k) Savings Plan > Change Contributions and designate the rate of pay by pay type you want to contribute.

To set your contribution rates to increase automatically, visit the Morgan Stanley Benefit Center website and set your initial contribution rates. Then, follow the instructions and enter annual increase and target rate percentages.

To choose or change your investment mix or investment elections for future contributions, visit the Morgan Stanley Benefit Center website and go to Savings and Retirement > 401(k) Savings Plan > Change Investments and follow the instructions.

Avoid Penalties

Since 401(k) plans are designed to help you save for retirement, there are penalties for taking your money out early. You’ll owe income taxes on the total amount you withdraw to the extent such amounts are taxable, and you may also owe a 10% early withdrawal penalty. The Plan has both loan and hardship withdrawal options in case of financial emergency.